The bulk of income for most people comes from wages or self-employment income. It is only reasonable to look here first and seek an increase in pay or salary when making plans for increased income. In this article I will write about earning more as an employee and in the next making more from self-employment (small business).
The truth is that most people, with a little thought, could learn how to gain a salary increase for the job they have. Unfortunately, many people just brush this idea off as probably being true for others, but not for them.
Your Pay Increase May Be Just a Question Away
Often all you have to do is ask for an increase in pay, if you can explain what you are doing to deserve it. Of course for some that might be a pretty big “if,” but just as often it is a lack of self-confidence. If it is the latter, we need to get a new perspective.
Anytime is the right time to suggest that when business income increases as a result of the exceptional work you are doing, you look forward to getting a raise.
During a depression or even in a bad time for your company you may not be wise to press the issue. But keep it in mind as a reasonable idea when the time is right.
And anytime is the right time to suggest that when business income increases as a result of the exceptional work you are doing, you look forward to getting a raise.
When you ask for an increase in wages it is not unusual at all for an employer to respond with a statement that he/she had been thinking about it for some time. If your employer is thinking the same way it may stay just a “thought” without some prodding.
Your Boss Wants to Give You a Raise
Did you know that your employer wants to give you more money? He/she does! And your boss wants to hire more people, too. It’s a fact.
There is only one thing holding employers back. Anyone an employer hires or gives an increase in pay must do something to bring in enough money to justify the money they receive. It is as simple as that.
If you want an increase in pay you must do something to increase income to your employer sufficient to justify your increase in salary.
If you want an increase in pay you must do something to increase income to your employer sufficient to justify your increase in salary.
This, then, is your question: what can you do to bring more money into your employer’s business? Learn to do that and you will justify more pay.
One good practice is to ask your boss those questions. Make sure he/she is sitting down when you ask. Most people seem to be thinking about how they can do less not more work.
To Get a Raise Learn How to Do More
Be ready to learn some new skills. You may need to take some classes at a local vocational school or college. Fine. Do it. Often this means getting promoted to a different, more advanced job.
But that is not the only way to learn. Watch what others are doing and learn from them. Do not assume you know what skills are most valuable; instead determine what skills your employer values. Learn those.
Do not assume you know what skills are most important to your employer; instead determine what skills your boss values. Learn those.
Unfortunately, in some poorly run businesses promotion is difficult. Learn the skills that others who earn more have anyway.
Then, if you cannot get a raise or promotion where you are, find a job elsewhere. Loyalty is a great quality, but it must be a two way street.
Act Now to Get an Increase in Pay
It is amazing how many people do sloppy work and as little of that as possible, but still complain about not getting paid enough. Instead you should think as if you were the owner, focusing on how you can produce more income for the company.
Learn how to do more of what makes a profit for your employer and make sure, tactfully, that your employer is aware of it. When you do you will soon deserve an increase in pay and can reasonably expect to get a raise.