What Do You Deserve to Earn?

Most people live with self-imposed limits, especially in the area of money. Instead of thinking they have the option of an unlimited income they think they can only have a limited income (sometimes a very limited one). They simply cannot believe they have a meaningful income potential.

Self-imposed Limits Restrict Income

There are many attitudes (habits of thought) that severely limit people financially. One of the most devastating is an attitude about how much money they deserve to have.

For some reason most people have learned to accept the idea that for some reason they are not entitled to have more than what some artificially imposed limit puts on them. They accept it as their destiny.

It is easy to see what people see as their income potential when they look for a job. They only look for jobs with a certain pay scale, not too small and not too much greater than their self-imposed limits.

Your Potential for an Unlimited Income

If you think about it logically there is no limit that should be set on your income other than that generated by your productivity.

If you were to write a book that sold over a million copies, selling for $20.00 each, should you be limited to just a few thousand dollars since you only spent three months writing it? Who deserves to get the lion’s share of the profits from a book more than the author who risked a large investment of time and effort with no guarantee of any compensation?

If you do not deserve the money, who does? The publisher? The Store that sells it? Some editor who takes a nine to five job rather than risking their time writing their own book? (No lack of respect for hard working editors intended.) Absolutely not. The author deserves to get more of the income than they often do. And if it is millions of dollars, well and good.

Some Have an Almost Unlimited Income

Often people criticize those with high incomes. Baseball players that earn millions are often slammed in this way. But just think. In some cases individual players, as Herman Killebrew did here in Minnesota, just by showing up to play have brought in thousands of dollars in extra ticket sales on the days they play. Why shouldn’t they get a large portion of that money?

Who deserves to get money more than the person who produces it? No one. And you should accept the idea that the only limit on your income should be your ability to find a way to provide other people with a valuable benefit of some kind. You deserve to receive an amount equal to the value of that benefit multiplied by the number of people you help.


Bill Gates did not finish college, dropping out of Harvard after a couple of years. Neither did he write the operation system that made him wealthy. He bought it, risking his own money, from the developer and licensed it to IBM for their use.

He did not consider that since he did not finish college or write the code he didn’t deserve to make a lot of money connecting with IBM and licensing the operating system. He fairly considered that he was helping them make millions and he deserved a “fair” portion of the profits.

Whether or not we make millions like some of these folks is not important. What is important is that we remove the self-imposed limits that restricted our income in the past and be open to a truly unlimited income potential in the future.

Why Remove Self-imposed Limits

Now even if we accept the reasonable idea that we deserve to be paid as much as we earn, there is a good chance that we are still affected by self-imposed limits personally. Most people are so constrained.

As foolish as it is, we subconsciously take the steps needed to assure we only earn what falls within our self-imposed limits. That way we don’t take a chance on getting too much money. The mind is a powerful thing.

To repeat: one thing and one thing only should determine our income—our productivity. If you can produce value, you deserve the relevant portion of income from it. It doesn’t matter whether a little or a lot. That is it.

When we say that successful people expect fair compensation for their work, what we mean is that they expect appropriate pay for what they do. And, they do not limit the return based on hours of work or the educational/professional expertise they bring to the table.

How to Modify Our Income Attitude

How can we rid ourselves of self-imposed limits and see our income potential as unlimited? One effective means is to use the following affirmation to shape our attitude. Repeat it daily for at least a month and then weekly for at least three months thereafter:


I deserve to receive all the money I can earn and there is no limit on the amount I can honestly earn.

Change Your Income Attitude Now

Clearly most of us have a limited income outlook because of self-imposed limits. It is a product of our culture which is dominated by many unfounded financial ideas. Let's change it, now!

For success with money develop a new and more productive view of your income potential, claiming the option for an unlimited income except for your ability and willingness to become a more productive person.